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Is "an habitual" accepted usage in the UK?

I know there is some vacillation in the States over "an historic," which sounds completely odd to my ears, but is firmly established in formal usage. But what about "a/an habitual" in Commonwealth English? Is this a marked, H-dropping usage, or a perfectly acceptable, inconspicuous phrase among educated speakers in England?

2 respuestas

  • hace 1 década
    Respuesta preferida

    In proper English "an habitual" is correct and an inconspicuous phrase among educated speakers. Here in the UK many speakers say "a habitual" and tend to emphasise the H. Although grammatically incorrect, it is accepted.

    Many native speakers do not speak grammatically correct English as some perceive it as being "posh" while others are uneducated and know little or nothing about grammar and pronunciation!

    English spoken correctly (Received Pronunciation - without an excessive upper-class accent) is lovely to listen to, as are some UK dialects, while others sound awful!

    I don't mind what accent a speaker has but I do like the grammar to be correct and find that non-native speakers often speak better than many native speakers. Same goes for writing and spelling too!

    Fuente(s): Me - just what I think!
  • hace 4 años

    An Habitual

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