La plataforma de Yahoo Respuestas cerrará definitivamente el próximo 4 de mayo de 2021 y solo estará disponible en modo de lectura. Ningún otro producto de Yahoo ni tu cuenta personal se verán afectados por este cambio. Si necesitas más información sobre el cierre de Yahoo Respuestas y cómo descargar tus datos puedes acceder a esta página de ayuda.

Why does my answer disappear when I log out?

I posted a response to a question. (You can actually check out my profile and see it under Answers.) But even though it's listed under my Answers, the answer itself does not appear, except to myself when I'm logged in. If I'm logged in, it displays fine, and lists the question as having 2 answers, but to everyone it says there's only 1 answer. But it's still listed under questions I've answered.

I received no e-mail or any sort of violation notice, so I don't really know to whom I'm supposed to appeal... Just bug the Y!A team?

1 respuesta

  • hace 9 años
    Respuesta preferida

    I'm going to take a guess here that your answer has a link in it. Or multiple links. As part of the anti spamming programs here, answers with links may be hidden. If that is the case, try moving the link to the Source box.

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