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Who were you supporting in Death Note? Kira or L? Why?
4 respuestas
- EntropyLv 7hace 2 mesesRespuesta preferida
I mean, Kira was the villain, but he was also the protagonist. It's hard when someone is presented as the protagonist to not identify with them to some degree, and Kira was doing things (punishing evil) that literally everyone can identify with - even as we recognize how wrong Kira was.
But I don't think I was 'rooting' for either one of them so much as curious where they were going. Would Kira be caught? Would Kira realize the errors of his ways and find some creative use of the notebook that no one saw coming? Would Kira outright win? In western entertainment, the villain never wins, but in anime, I could see the villain being allowed to win.
- Anónimohace 2 meses
I was going to say none but then I thought about it and I have to say L. Half way through the show, I started to hate Light because he was evil.
- Shifting SandsLv 7hace 2 meses
L. Light was always the clear villain to me, he was a dangerous person and wrong. I thought L was more likable and doing the right thing stopping him.
- Anónimohace 2 meses
L because he gave up half his life to solve The Crimes