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? preguntado en Computers & InternetSoftware · hace 3 meses

why is the first time want to format my pc via usb bootable appear this: ?

it can be boot in UEFI mode only but you are trying to boot in  BIOS/Legacy. THIS WILL DONT WORK.

to remove this message you need to do one of the following:if this computer support UEFI, go to the UEFI settings and lower or disable

the priority of CSM/Legacy mode.

OR recreate the drive in Rufus and use:Partiotion Scheme ->MBR.

Target Systen ->BIOS (...)OR erase the whole drive in Rufus by selecting:Boot Type -> non bootable

Note: You may also see this message if you installed a new OS and your computer

was unable to boot that OS in UEFI mode.

please remove this media and press any key to reboot/

, what i have to fix and can reinstall windows 8.1

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