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? preguntado en Entertainment & MusicMovies · hace 4 meses

What is the best Star Wars' movie in your opinion?

20 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 4 meses

    The one with the far the best film of the entire franchise. 

  • hace 4 meses

    Empire all the way, though Rogue One was extremely cool.  I forget who Disney hired to do Rogue One, but that's who they should have hired to do all the sequels.

  • Anónimo
    hace 4 meses

    The one where Vader has sex with teenage sluts from planet Voodooppodoo.

  • F
    Lv 7
    hace 4 meses

    Any with Spock in it.

  • Anónimo
    hace 4 meses

    Episode 4 - A New Hope, followed by Rogue One. 

  • Anónimo
    hace 4 meses

    One of the first three movies that were being made; IV, V, VI. They are all about equal.

  • hace 4 meses

    To me, it's still the original 1977 "Star Wars"...which later became "Episode IV"...

    It is still the most pure and complete, with strong characters, a thrilling plot and good balance between action and dialogue.  The rest of them all seem like installments in a weekly TV series to me.  "Star Wars" remains a standalone "epic" in it's own right.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 4 meses

    The Empire Strikes Back

  • hace 4 meses

    Empire.  It's always going to be Empire Strikes Back if you ask 'best'.  A New Hope was arguably more ENJOYABLE, but Empire was the best movie of the series by a fairly large margin.  And there's a reason - it's the one of the original trilogy that Lucas didn't direct.

    Lucas has strengths and weaknesses as a creative force, and they're both on display in ANH.  ESB bring his strengths with general plot direction, technology, the visual language of film, editing, and such...but doesn't have as much of his weaknesses with dialogue and actual direction.  Kasdan did a MUCH better job with that.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    hace 4 meses

    The Empire Strikes Back is still the best.

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