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Hola preguntado en Society & CultureLanguages · hace 2 años

Hello? How are you? How do you think that is my write english?

I was going to an academy for eight months, and i want to use this "Yahoo Answers" of permanent form.

Do you think that am i ready?

Ps: Anybody told me that here the people is more friendly.

2 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 2 años

    Rewriting your questions:

    I have been going to school to learn English for the past eight months, and I would like to use Yahoo Answers to further improve my English.

    Do you think that I am ready?

    PS: Someone told me that people on yahoo are very friendly.


    You are doing well. Keep up your good work. Good luck.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 2 años

    Your english is as good as many of the native speakers .  You are ready .  As far as friendly, that changes by the minute .

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