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Lv 7
? preguntado en Entertainment & MusicTelevisionComedy · hace 2 años

Question on I love Lucy?

Does anyone know why it is that Lucy Ricardo said in one episode that she was a Taurus and later in another episode she said her birthday is August 6? August 6 makes her a Leo.

7 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 2 años
    Respuesta preferida

    Maybe she decide to give her real birthday on the show, instead of a fake one she said in an earlier episode.

  • hace 2 años

    Her Birthday is August 6th

    And she passed away 1989: April 26th

  • Anónimo
    hace 2 años

    Many of those early shows did not get caught up in continuity, because the shows were 'disposable.' No one knew they would be viewed for the next 60 plus years. Their street address also changes from time to time.

  • hace 2 años

    Whoever was doing continuity didn't do a good job.

  • hace 2 años

    Idk I’ve never watched it before

  • hace 2 años

    she couldve said that by mistake

  • hace 2 años

    You love Lucy? Well, good for you.

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