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fgh preguntado en Beauty & StyleFashion & Accessories · hace 2 años

Girls, why do you wear shoes without socks?

The Girls in my class say that they wear socks, but i dont believe them because i dont see anything. I think is an optical ilusión. What about you girls, you also dont wear socks ir you wear that socks that do an optical ilusión?

9 respuestas

  • hace 2 años

    Are there girls in your class? Or its an optical illusion?

  • Anónimo
    hace 2 años

    I don't. I wear short ones you can't see over shoes and ballet flats.

  • hace 2 años

    because I can't find any socks lol

  • Anónimo
    hace 2 años

    There are in-shoe socks called peds that fit within the shoe and cannot be seen on the outside. Whether they wear socks or not is NONE of your concern; you need to be concentrating on your studies and NOT worrying about others.

  • hace 2 años

    its prob ankle socks

  • hace 2 años

    Do you know all kind of socks? There have stocking, Knee-High, (short)socks, and invisiable socks....

  • hace 2 años

    Socks that cover just the area that shoes cover are widely available.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    hace 2 años

    I wear socks all the time, but it depends on what kind of shoes you mean. If you mean trainers then you probably can't see them because they might be wearing ankle sized socks..otherwise they could be wearing socks od their skin colour, a bit like tights

  • Anónimo
    hace 2 años

    They just wear short *** socks bruh, toe to heel

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