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Does Optional Practical Training let me work for the FBI/border patrol/without being a citizen aftercollege with a major in criminaljustice?

Are there any affordable options or other gift ideas? It s for his bday

2 respuestas

  • hace 6 años
    Respuesta preferida

    NO training alters the requirements to be employed by ANY government agency, PERIOD. What ever 'Optional Practical Training' means, I seriously doubt the FBI or Border Patrol cares about it at all.

  • 0110
    Lv 7
    hace 6 años

    You cannot work for any federal agency in the US, except as an informant, if you are not a citizen, born or naturalized.

    Even if a citizen no one would care about any so called supplemental training.

    To get on you have to meet basic requirements, do well on their testing and go through thier training like everyone else

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