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Alberto R preguntado en TravelFranceOther - France · hace 6 años

If I join the French Foreign Legion can I send a percentage of my salary back home to my parents?

I am going to join the French Foreign Legion, but can I send money back home?, if so how soon? Right after basic training maybe? Any tips for me? Also if you know a basic french course online could you recommend it please, thank you

2 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 6 años

    You don't know yet if you can join the French Foreign Legion. You need to get yourself to a recruitment office in France and get through the interview, psych, medical, and fitness tests - and only 1 out of every 8 are successful. If you pass the Legion might accept you - there is no guarantee that they will, and you go on to basic training.

    A knowledge of French is not necessary, if you are accepted you will learn on the job. Depending on your citizenship you might need a visa to get to the recruitment centre in France, and you will need a round trip plane ticket, just in case you don't get in!

    Read all the information on the Recruitment section of the FFL website and email your questions.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 6 años

    If you are an American citizen, please be aware that income earned abroad is subject to US taxes. This would be on top of any local taxes of the foreign country that are payable. So after the government takes its cut, I suppose you could - depending on any currency export restrictions of the foreign country.

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