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Is there anyone out who may tell me about a company called crown steel buildings?is it a serious business or else?

You see, they don't have Texas engineer seal on the plans and this is causing I can't get a building permit. Now they ask me for more money and they will send me these plans but before may someone share their experience

3 respuestas

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 7 años

    This is a large company that will provide the parts necessary for your building. You will need to provide your local building department with the names of the companies pouring the foundation, erecting the building, installing electricity and heat, possibly fire sprinklers. Your building code may require this engineering seal, so look into companies suggested by your building department.

  • Hugo90
    Lv 7
    hace 7 años

    Did you order online rather than through a dealer in Texas?

  • hace 6 años

    big cazzeit

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