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Alberto R preguntado en Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · hace 7 años

Is it legal to carry more than 10,000 USD trough security checkpoints at a US airport?

You know of course I can make a deposit from my bank account but dollar rate there is way too high

4 respuestas

  • hace 7 años
    Respuesta preferida

    here try this link to the office:

  • ?
    Lv 7
    hace 7 años

    as long as you take less than 10,000 your okay. if you take 10,000 or more it's going to be a problem.

    they are going to want to know where the money came from and what your going to do with it. you might have to sign forms to take that much out of the country.

  • hace 7 años

    Is the airport a Port of Entry? You don't say, or don't know....

  • hace 7 años

    they may detain you for a while and you would need to explain how you got that much cash and why you're carrying it all.

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