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Its been 12 days, the vet said wait 14 days before bathing my fixed pups, Can I bathe them now,?
their fur is so dirty and they smell, I don't really want to be around them when their so dirty, I usually bathe them every other day.
5 respuestasDogshace 6 añosNeutering And fixing my two pomchies tomorrow.... Advice???
Adivice for how to care for them when they get home. they are 6 months old.
5 respuestasDogshace 6 añosAre there places where you can send puppies to get house broken?
5 respuestasDogshace 6 añosNeed advice for House Training.?
6 respuestasDogshace 6 añosHow to train dogs not bark all the time.?
I have two pomchis and they bark a lot! Even when they're outside in out back yard they will bark. Ive had them for 3 months, and they are 5 months old.
3 respuestasDogshace 6 añosGood diet and in home workout plan to get a 6 pack.?
1 respuestaDiet & Fitnesshace 6 añosDoes the pH level of liquids effect its ability to melt?
1 respuestaHomework Helphace 6 añosHow do puppies get Parvo, and how can it be prevented. Also?
Ive been on yahoo@answers lately and Ive been seeing a lot of things about parvo. And I want to know everything about it.
8 respuestasDogshace 6 añosIpad air or the new Apple watch?
Saving up and I want to know what I should Get, I don't know what one I want so...
2 respuestasLaptops & Notebookshace 6 añoshelp house training my two new puppys, they are pom-chis any help would be appreciated?
2 respuestasDogshace 6 añosHow old can a pomchi be to get pregnant?...Dog...?
I have two 4 month pomchis boy and a girl, and a couple days ago they were
sexual interacting with each other, and I want to know how long I can wait before getting my female fixed.
6 respuestasDogshace 6 añosHow To House Train two 4 month old Pom-Chis?
Ive tried so hard I let them outside every 1-2 hours when Im home but I'm at school from 7;00am-3;00pm any advice that I can Do to help me for training them.
1 respuestaDogshace 6 añosHow young can dogs be to get pregnant?
I have two 4 month old Pom-Chi's
(Chihuahua/Pomeranian mix) , One a girl and one a boy, they just started having sexual relations, how long can I procrastinate/ how long do I have before i can get them neutered.
7 respuestasDogshace 6 años