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Pregnancy scare?v?
Im scared as hell from stupid things please help me answer
Can using a condom make you pregnant when it never broke or leaked?
If he is wanking and fingering you can that get you pregnant?
If there was *** on my hand and I covered my vagina will that make me pregnant?
Please help I m so worried
1 respuestaPregnancyhace 6 añosCondom help!?
Hey so I really want to know,
Are SKYN condoms good?
My boyfriend and I always have used four seasons, and our friend is giving us some SKYN condoms.
We don't know how they are compared to FS.
So if someone could let us know; that'd be great.
3 respuestasSingles & Datinghace 6 añosurgently need help about period?
Hey so I have real irregular periods.
Anyway I had like 10 seconds unprotected sex, like 2 days after my period that came around 4 months ago.
And now today, this morning I got bad cramps and then after lunch founds lots of brown / light kinda red blood.
Anyway that went on for 2-3 hours and now it's like stopped. If I put some toilet paper up "there" it's only a tiny little bit of brown stuff.
So I'm really confused would love help asap.
I hope that made sense. Thanks (:
Oh and I've had no symptoms at all in these 4 months of pregnancy? so yeah no sickness, excessive tiredness etc.
1 respuestaWomen's Healthhace 6 añosPre *** and irregular periods?
Hey so 3 almost 4 months ago, I had literally, 10 - 20 seconds of unprotected intercourse.
My man doesn't produce much pe ***, only a few drops.
He did clean everything and peed before intercourse.
I have irregular periods, last month it took like 4 months to arrive, plus I was real stressed.
Same with this time.
So, I don't know if I'll be pregnant?
I've had absolutely no symptoms what so ever.
Everyone says I'll be fine.
I keep thinking my stomach is getting bigger but I can fully suck it in and there's no lump.
Oh and my periods are irregular because I got it like a year ago.
Thanks x
2 respuestasWomen's Healthhace 6 añosPre *** please answer asap xo?
Ok so I'll make this short,
It was around 15 to 30 second unprotected,
My period is irregular due to getting it only a year ago.
Last period took 3 months to arrive, had sex about 3 days after it left, period only lasted like 4 days, now it's almost three months again.
He said when he pulled out after like 30 seconds that his Pe nis was dry, plus before we did anything he peed and wiped knob.
I've stressed out a lot.
Asked my friends and they said I'll be fine, asked questions on here, said I'll be fine, my boyfriend says I'll be fine, but I'm so stressed.
I've jad no pregnancy symptoms what so ever.
Thanks (: xo
1 respuestaWomen's Healthhace 6 añosNeed an answer now please!!!!!!!!!?
So I have really irregular periods, last time it took 3 months for it to arrive and now it's almost 3 months again.
I did have unprotected sex for like... 15 -30 seconds. Around About that?
he didn't ejaculate. no where near infact!
now I don't know if peeing before inter course really does anything but he did. Plus wipe his kn**.
I'm a bit scared and I have asked questions about 30 seconds unprotected etc, and people have said it's possible but not very likely.
I've also searched up on pretty reliable sites and they've also said that getting pregnant from pre ejaculate is slim to none aswell.
So can getting pregnant hard from my information? Slim to none? So on so forth. Does it make it hard to get pregnant with irregular periods?
I have irregular periods because I got it less then a year ago so no medical conditions.
It may be coming so late because of stress, I've had no symptoms of pregnancy at all through these 2 months.
Also we did it like 3 days after my period had finished aswell.
Thank you! (:
4 respuestasWomen's Healthhace 6 añosCould I please have answers now!! (((: xox?
Question sums it up.
Would there be?
I'm very scared! My period is irregular so does that make it any harder to get pregnant?
Last time it took 3 months to arrive and it's almost 3 months again.
Last time was most defiantly due to stress and I'm stress out again.
He ejaculated a few hours prior to intercourse. Then before such I started giving him a handjob then stopped, he peed, then inserted. He went slowly because it hurt.
So that sums it up.
I'm very scared to take a pregnancy test, next time I go to his place we are going to get one. But I'm so scared! would it be positive? What do you guys think anyway?
Thank you!!
2 respuestasPregnancyhace 6 añosWas there pre *** in 10 -30second intercourse (unprotected)?
Question sums it up.
Would there be?
I'm very scared! My period is irregular so does that make it any harder to get pregnant?
Last time it took 3 months to arrive and it's almost 3 months again.
Last time was most defiantly due to stress and I'm stress out again.
He ejaculated a few hours prior to intercourse. Then before such I started giving him a handjob then stopped, he peed, wiped knob, then inserted. He went slowly because it hurt.
So that sums it up.
I'm very scared to take a pregnancy test, next time I go to his place we are going to get one. But I'm so scared! would it be positive? What do you guys think anyway?
Thank you!!
3 respuestasWomen's Healthhace 6 años