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Im old lived next door to Fred Flintstone and Barny Rubble when i was a kid. Intrested in tech people books films polotics. That just about covers every thing else as well.

  • Micro Soft Silver Light, A virus?

    I know about computers well I did, I have just loaded Micro Softs silver light. from Micro softs own web site, I did check, then my Anti virus AVG went beserk, IE is not working and im getting pop ups from AVG every few seconds, the message Found MalSign.Derzany.BD6. can some one please explain why Micro Soft is doing this, thank you

    4 respuestasSecurityhace 7 años
  • A warning for any one buying a new computer?

    I have just spent over £900.00 on a new computer, I wont name the company, but I will tell you of a little utility that helped. Its free but came with two toolbars neither of witch were of any use to me, I had no trouble in first deactivating them in IE9 then removing them.

    The utility is called CPU – Z, It is totally free. It can be found here.

    I payed for 16 Gig's of red viper ram, running at 2133 Mhz, what I got was 16 Gig's of generic 800 Mhz ram.

    The CPU was meant to have been over clocked to 4,7 Gig's, but ran at standard 3.4 Gig's, an Intel I5 CPU.

    You can see the base speed of both the CPU & RAM very easily.

    Yet CPU – Z also can write a full in depth report, very useful in finding out what you have got.

    There is no question, and I have no connection with CPU – Z. But it will likely take me months taking thses criminals to court, if some one had run this last month or at Xmas, maybe I wouldn’t be in this position.

    Hoping it will serve you well. CDR

    3 respuestasDesktopshace 8 años
  • Is there a DVI gendar bendar ?

    That you for helping me before, the monitor cable & connection are DVI, but not the D type, my DVI has two sets of pins, with a small metal plate.

    From left to right, with the widest section facing up.

    A small metal plate copper or gold.

    the a space, followed by nine pins.

    A larger gap followed by nine more pins.

    The pins are all in three rows of three.

    My problem is that i have brought two new monitors, with DVI conections, and 3 gendar benders for DVI. Not one will fit my GPU, or graphics card. When i brought the monitors, I did check to ensure they were DVI, so my problem is, there seems to be more than a single conector that is called DVI, my one seems to be ubknown to any one else.

    Yet my old monitor a IIYAMA prolight 24", had this conector, i brought the monitor with a conpuyer system from Mesh conputers UK, the graphics card is a HD 5770, a mid range GPU. MESH have been very reluctant to help, even though my system is still under Garentee, they have faild to repley to sevral emails to there support Dpt, i have been kept waiting on the phone for over 30 mins and over 20 mins, thats two phone calls, both asking me to call back.

    So can any one tell me how to connect my DVI to a DVI monitor ? baring in mind the DVI i have dose not seem to be common ?

    Thank you CDR

    1 respuestaMonitorshace 9 años
  • Why are some questions not viewable?

    I have answered quite a few questions, in sevral of them i have researched information, and got into the habbit of looking back at some of them for refrence. Yet now some are "You can not view this questions at this time."

    I can view answers i made eailer and later, so i dont think it is a archive thing, i realy answer questions that might be deleted, or others will find objectionable.

    Can any one let me know why this happens, and who makes the decission on what questions are no longer viewable please ?

    Thank you CDR

    2 respuestasYahoo Answershace 9 años
  • Wht are some questions not viewable ?

    I have answered quite a few questions, in sevral of them i have researched information, and got into the habbit of looking back at some of them for refrence. Yet now some are "You can not view this questions at this time."

    I can view answers i made eailer and later, so i dont think it is a archive thing, i realy answer questions that might be deleted, or others will find objectionable.

    Can any one let me know why this happens, and who makes the decission on what questions are no longer viewable please ?

    Thank you CDR

    2 respuestasYahoo Answershace 9 años
  • Computer monitor cables?

    I was a manager for a server centre, so laugh. I am trying to replace a IIYAMA pro light monitor with an hmdi cable, yet the new monitor with a hmdi cable is much smaller.

    The IIYAMA cable is split with a small gap, one group of pins in about twice the size of the smaller group. The GPU is a HD 5770, yet with only a single conector, the split group one, the new monitor has a much smaller connector, not far of a USB.

    So if any one can help me, or tell me if there is a gender bender i can use, i would be very greatful, even if a little sheepish.

    Thank you. CDR

    PS, sorry about how this must look, im trying to use a tablet, yes TRYING is deffinetly the right word.

    1 respuestaMonitorshace 9 años
  • Help Make A Safe Chat Room?

    I asked this same question without a response, im hoping that I placed it in the wrong area, so am posting it again here.

    We started a safe chat room, it was invaded by sexually orientated people. The chat site was a standard one, with a contract of 2 years. It lasted less than a month.

    What were looking for is any help in controlling who can use the chat site, any ideas of how to make it a better place to be, more fun, easy to use Etc.

    What we have learned is the mods need to be able to trace individuals IP’s, to check if there using a proxy. Video chat with room users to determine if they are who they claim to be. A instant report button in privates, we had some disputes, with both parties pasting “ALMOST” the same convo, so we cant rely on people copying what happened without changing the copy before pasting it. There for a button that copies every thing in the private to a file for a mod to examine. A sin bin, some people just don’t get along with each other, but don’t necessarily break any rules, so a place away from the main chat room they could be locked into for a few minutes to calm down, or talk with a mod, instead of just kicking / banning them.

    If any one can offer any other advice / help we would be great full thank you.

    We are currently have a custom chat room programed.


    2 respuestasOther - Internethace 9 años